Butia Capitata

A.k.a. Pindo Palm, Jelly Palm, Wine Palm
The Pindo Palm is a great alternative to the Phoenix variety palms. If you live from Virginia to Arizona or South this is the perfect palm for your landscape. Plant as an accessorily or as the specimen palm to anchor your landscape design. The Pindo palm will grow to heights of 15′ to 20′ with a crown width of 20′.


The Pindo palm is considered a true Cold Hardy Palm with reported survival of temperatures as low as 0 degrees F. The Pindo Palm has leaves that are lighter blue-green with a silvery highlight to make this palm an elegant addition to any landscape project. The edible fruit is produced after 7 to 10 years of growth. A sweet jelly is made, hence the name “Jelly Palm”.

- Height: 15′
- Minimum Temperature: no damage reported to 14 degrees F
- USDA Temperature: Zone: 8a – 10b
- Growth Rate: Slow, less than 1′ / year
- Water Requirements: High
- Sun Requirements: Moderate to High
- Origin: Central-Southern Brazil